I get swirls of pride and elation when I walk up MY stairs, when I see a cat stop by MY garden before moving on to his next prowling grounds, when I hear the sound of the Boy taking out MY trash cans to the curb. But here in lies the problem. Having my first proper house makes me realise that I have control issues. All those "MY"s in bold? They should be OURS, but I’m having a hard time sharing the interior decorating tasks. Each room is an empty canvas, and the end result in mind’s eye is so perfect, I know that if I want it done right, I’m going to have to do it myself. I guess I prefer to play house alone. Which has not been easy on the other occupant of this house, who certainly deserves equal say in how his shelter will look. All I can do is thank my lucky stars that I am with a kind and patient man, who far from a doormat – at least knows how to pick and choose his battles.
The Boy was outside the other night for a whole of two minutes and came back in having met two new neighbours and managed to acquire a dinner invitation for us both. Stephane’s French charm draws people in like flies to honey. A little social butterfly.
After scrubbing the kitchen clean with my own toothbrush, removing how ever many years of pizza’s and ready-made meals from students of yore I have finally made my first meal in the new place. A plaite fish on a bed of tomatoes and courgettes with dill couscous. A delight.

Besides the house being a bit chilly, the fact that I have to walk over a different pile of broken car glass from all the break-ins, the fact that bailiffs are approaching us because the previous tenant is in serious debt and that I’m convinced that one of our neighbours makes crystal meth in their kitchen and they haven’t even approached me for a trial taste, I am utterly content. A kitten asleep in a sunspot with a belly full of warm milk kind of content.
Congrats, Lauren! Sounds like things are shaping us nicely. The dinner looks great, you're meeting new and interesting neighbors (drugs and dinner parties...what else do you need?) and free stuff. Excellent.
yeah house... uh...pile of broken glass from break ins? do i want to stay with you?
Stacey, it's only car break-ins. It's not like you're bringing a car with you to see me. And perhaps a lot of people each week just keep locking their keys in their car and have to break into their own vehicle....
Sounds wonderful! I'm so happy for you both! I feel the same way about having steps now. If only I cooked too... Now that you're the pro, if you happen to have any REALLY easy recipes to share, maybe I'll give it a go. Have fun with your decorating!
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