I'm going through the same torn feelings as my dahling friend Miss O upon leaving Paris all over again. Part of me knows that Nottingham is a really good place for me right now, but it is hard to listen to that voice when it's being drowned out by the drunken singing of my friends, the sound of stylish French heels on cobble stone streets or the simple clink of your spoon against a porcelain espresso cup.
This city has become a part of me in more ways than one. It has seen me grow from an ignorant American girl into a self-confident woman. It saw me when I first became financially independent from my Mother. It has seen me through the rocky, exciting beginnings of the biggest love of my life.
We spent the days walking around the left bank and islands. Purchased some jewellery on Ile St. Louis, got kicked out of the jardin behind Notre Dame due to a gusty wind that would put Chicago to shame. The nights of course were used up by vodka and old friends. So much gossip to catch up on in 6 months - people leaving, people changing jobs, getting married, having babies, cheating on their wives.
Everyone asked me when Stephane and I are going to move back. We'll eventually return to Paris. Be it in 2 years or 20. I'm not worried about Paris changing - I'm worried that we will be different. But perhaps that's a good thing.

Shopping on Ile-St-Louis

Me and the girls in The Fifth Bar. Behaving ourselves...for the photo at least.

The Newlyweds

Our Frenchmen

Stephane and the new Shebeen team.

Rock on.

A. Loved the pics! Why aren't you working as a photographer?
B. You look ridiculously hot.
C. I have faith we will all be back together in Paris sooner than later.
Well hello, porn tongue.
ah-- the city thatbeckons-- promises of a magical life--
If you moved back, think of all the trouble you would have to go through in changing your blog title.
Was Vincent there? I wanna see pictures of Vincent!
It will definitely always be a part of you no matter where you are! Sounds like a wonderful trip... And you look amazing!
Thanks for all the compliments on my hotness - the "stick out, suck in" pose always guarantees a non double chin photo.
Neil - I hate my blog title anyway, I welcome the change.
Suz - We did hang out with vincent, but alas no pics. He's doing his archaeologist thang and looking good
Okay, Lauren. I don't know you well enough to say it myself, but I am definitely laughing and nodding in appreciation at Donny's "Well hello, Porn Tongue" comment. Looks like you have quite the hidden talent. Well, maybe not so hidden anymore....
i love that picture of you and stephane! if we ever have a roast for both of you, I am going to blow up that photo, you both look absolutely tanked, but in the best possible way, kind of like that time we got tanked with our dad when we were four.
on a side note, i just bought two tickets to see shakira for greys birthday, its a guilty pleasure/gag gift turned reality, i'm not even sure what to think right now...........
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