Last night's quiz. We didn't win, but that's besides the point. The point is I out Englished the English.
The question was: Which English Football team's name starts with five consecutive consonants? And among the 6 or so English men ( plus a couple football loving foreigners) the only person who got the question right was the American girl sitting in the corner.
I have now been officially dubbed an English lass.
And it looks like I'll be supporting Crystal Palace from now on, so the fun stops there.
I also discovered the joys of shandy just to complete my transformation into a true English lass. What pure joy to be drinking what appears to the naked eye as pints of bitter from 5pm to 11pm straight and to leave the pub speaking with eloquence and perfect articulation (albeit a bit quickly given all the sugar from the lemonade) and then to wake up sans hangover in the morning.
Our local's beer festival is on until Saturday though, so I won't be tainting all these delicious brews with soda pop.
Wait, what is this "sans hangover" you speak of?
I'm moving to Europe.
And it has such a cute name, Shandy. Sounds amazing. Nicely done with the quiz. You rock!
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