Happy Birthday Danielle!!!! The 28th of October is my darling Danielle's birthday, and I have had a screwdriver too many in her honor. This is the girl that has gone through hell and back with me. We were randomly put together as college roommates and instantly clicked. Between bouts of Wicca, various therapists, townie republican boyfriends (I can never say sorry enough for draging you through the "relationship that never should have been"), fabulous wine and cheese parties, student films, trips to my family in France, cocktails on top of the Hancock, sucking on pickles, trapping giant rats, and sleepovers overlooking the statue of liberty...Danielle, I celebrate you.
Everyone stop by her blog and give her wet messy bloggy bithyday hugs. Because this chica deserves it. She's not just "cleavage to die for", she is intelligent, beautifull, caring, open, inquisitive, driven, creative, loyal, and above all my friend.
Click here to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to DANIELLE!
Thank you so much for the beautiful birthday wishes! I miss you so much. You had me cracking up about the pickles. We were so nutty. I would go through hell and back a million times, if it was with you. Cheers...
We were both slobs, but we also had our cleaning marathons that luckily struck as at the same time. Bookish? I guess we both are, perhaps Danielle a bit more than me. We used to read Harry Potter out loud to eachother in bed. By partyier if you're wondering who drank more in college, that'd be me - but D can certainly boogie with the best of them.
Another little fun fact - we are both the exact same height (5' 2 and 1/2)
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