This is by far the best omelette I have ever tasted and I am astounded that it was actually made by yours truly. Simple cheddar and tomatoes. Unfortunately this photo looks more like a lesson in primary colors than a culinary delight.

This dish was inspired by a friend I met in Paris who is now also living in Nottingham. Chicken breasts stuffed with spinach and brie wrapped in bacon. It was delicious, but looks more like something you'd find in the garbage after a human autopsy.
Close your eyes and enjoy.
the chicken sounds amazing. yummy.
The operative word being "sounds"
uh, donny, did you actually LOOK at the chicken? The omlette... maybe a little parsley would have made it a happier looking dish. It's amazing what parsley can do, reall.
The chicken looks kind of bad on a photo but I'm sure it was delicious. What it looks like really all depends on how you dress it up on the plate. So long as it tastes good...
But Lauren, do I see that those chicken breasts are sitting DIRECTLY on the hotplates...?! This is making me twitch! Now, scrub down thos hotplates please, with something anti-bacterial please.
And make me an omelette.
Oh, okay, I just looked again. Are they in a glass dish on the hotplates? I think I can just about make one out. Please excuse me. It was an early morning state of panic.
Just one more little thing and then I'll shut up. Two things actually. 1.) I bet Goat's cheese would be good as a substitute for Brie in that chicken thing.
2.) What I wouldn't give for some English bacon right now. In a sandwich. Or with beans and sausage. I don't care about the article I read in an online newspaper saying how it contains far too much salt these days. The people that wrote it have no idea what it's like to live WITHOUT bacon, too salty or not. If they did they might thank their lucky stars for what they've got. Tsk.
Oops, anonymous was Kate.
I'm really going away now.
Okay, it's the end of the day. Just one more thing about the chicken (no, I really DON'T have anything better to do with my time) - I love that you can see the little fork marks on the piece on the right where you tested to see if it was done, it's really cute. Don't know why. Cute little ugly chicken food.
Kate, you rock. "Cute little ugly chicken food" Ha!. And yes it is on a glass dish.
I was thinking perhaps blue cheese would be good as well, but goat cheese is an excellent idea.
It's bacon sarnie day at work tomorrow, I'll have one and think of you, as long as you promise to have a crottin chaud for me.
This was the wrong time to read your post. i am fasting for yom kippur and super hungry right now. waaaaah.
yes, I looked (is that a word?) at the chicken and yes, it doesn't LOOK very appealing but it chicken stuffed with brie and spinach sounds delicious.
anything with brie sounds delicious. you could stuff an eyeball with brie and i'd eat it.
lauren, did you ever think a post about some food would create this many comments?
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