But honestly I have been running around these past few days, fixing my CV, calling all the agencies I work with to let them know I am back on the market, house hunting, setting up times to view houses and then walking my slave to public transportation ass half way across town and back to go see these deplorable, dilapidated homes that have accumulated over 20 years of student scum.
So, Christmas! On the eve we went out to dinner in the 'burbs. It took me an hour to get dressed. You know those times when you can't find a thing to wear from the overflowing pile of clothes that you brought with you and despite all members of family and boyfriend telling you you look fine in each of them, fine just ain't good enough? I ended up wearing my black dress with a blue cotton shrug and my mother's glorious silver necklace. I looked hot. But I was cold. The Boy had to lend me his sweater in the restaurant (brownie points for Boy for being chivalrous in front of mom).

My Sister and The Boy at Christmas Eve dinner.
Christmas morning, I was still waking up early due to jet lag. I look out the window and it is snowing. Hallelujah it is snowing on Christmas morning. I wake up Stephane (it's snowing, it's snowing) and we run out to the balcony to see the flakes. The flurries stop before my family wake up, so it was just a special snowfall for him and me. (cue cheesy RomCom music here).
My mom had made us take one present into our rooms that we had to open before we came into the living room. Matching pyjamas!

The shirts all say "Greetings from Chicago Christmas 2005" Awwww.
Here are some of my favorite gifts I got for Christmas in no particular order:
1. My "L" necklace from the Boy that I wear everyday and which I forced him to get me
2. The Jon Langford CD's from G. which are so good I don't know how I lived without him before
3. The calendar my sister made of her hiking the Appalachian Trail
4. My green sweater that I have been dreaming about for months and months
5. Mini-Sushi making kit from Santa
6. Silver bracelet from my Grandmother
7. The poster of Marseille from my Mom
Ok, I'm going to stop there before I ramble off every single gift I received. An embarrassment of riches this year.

Our trooper of a cat Monty in the Santa "thank God they only make me wear it once a year" Hat.

Me in my beyond fabulous green sweater and the boobs that force me to pay them overtime in outfits like this.
So happy belated Christmas and Chanukah. I'll be back with more glamorous photos of Chicago and then on to the French part of our extravagant vacation.
Sorry babe; no pictures of food. But we had marinated grilled steaks in lime juice and spices with sweet potato mash, green beans and spinach lasagne. Very good.. Picture on the tops? What are you talking about?
oh right right right, picture on the tops (of the shirts). Yeah, it's a collage of Chicago monuments.
Yeah, I never saw you wear the sweater in person, but it looks awesome.
good luck on the house and job hunting!
You did see me in it Donny, but we were in the back of that dark bar, Lemmings. So I figure you for not remembering.
i don't remember that green sweater either :(...sorry, I guess i just lost some points...
Sounds like fun! Happy New Year! (via Michele)
Can't wait to see more photo's...I love your cat in the Santa Hat...(poor honey..) Sounds like you had a terrific time during the Holidays...
I'm here from Michele this a.m.
I don't remember the sweater, but I think I may be the only one of your posters who has a genuine excuse, being that we haven't met. But it's gorgeous! You look great in it.
And I love your mom. Perhaps she's interested in adopting an adult? Let me know.
P.S. I just looked at your profile again, and I have to say -- Ponette! I'm at a loss for words. Just lovely, isn't it? Simultaneously broke and healed my heart (I saw it the year my mom died).
You don't have to post this, Lauren. Just had to let you know.
I know, don't I look fab in it?
I think there might be a waiting list from other grown men and women that want my Mom to adopt them...but I'll keep you posted.
you look fabulous in that green sweater darlin'
you are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!
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