Back on the plane, this time for Paris before changing airports and planes to go to Montpellier where my Boy's parents picked us up to do the hour or so drive to Millau (pronounced Mee-Yo - we just watched a British documentary on the building of the Millau viaduct and they insisted on calling Millau Mill-O. Grated on our ears).

We arrive in a snow covered Paris. Odd that we had to leave the Windy City and go to the City of Lights in order to see snow. We quickly changed airports and exhaustedly waited for our next flight. South of France here we come! By the time we get to Millau, the light rain that followed us from Montpellier had turned into a full feldged ice storm. Tree branches bent down to the ground with the weight of the ice, everything was crisp and cold and slippery as hell. I had to hold hands with the father-in-law in order to safely make it to the front door.
Now as excited as I was to revisit Millau and see Stephane's parents (who are the loveliest people you could possibly meet) I was even more excited to see a certain little someone:

My cat, LeChat resides with the in-laws ever since I moved to Nottingham. She's been so happy there, I decided to let her stay as a permanent resident with her "grandparents". They treat her like the princess that she is, so as much as I miss her, I think we've found her the perfect home. I have to say though, it was quite hard putting her well being before my selfish desire of having her around.

LeChat decides that the table is were all the action is. Rightly so.
Stephane and I took advantage of the couch a great deal while in Millau. The second to last leg of our vacation, we took great pleasure in doing nothing. Allowing ourselves to be completely taken care of, fed to the brim with delicious duck, homemade pate, and the best Roquefort you could ever imagine and then nestling into the couch in front of the TV to channel surf and pet the cat.

Here we have Stephane actually doing some work - he's learning to shuck oysters from his father. A skill I'm quite happy for him to aquire.
New year's eve was spent at our friend JB's house on the river Tarn. Homemade fois gras, raclette, plenty of champagne and good French 80's music. A fabulous evening.

Here's Stephane getting down.

Cecile, me and her dog Minnie. Cecile has since given birth to an honestly adorable baby girl, which you can see here..
I'll finish up the rest of the photos in the next post. I'm full of the roast chicken I cooked for Sunday dinner and ready to go to bed. I will however leave you with one last picture of my adorable cat. (You have no idea the amount of restrain it takes not to publish every single LeChat photo I've taken)

Those photos are great! You look amazing in your new green sweater, and lechat is the cutest!
Great pics, once again. You days of doing nothing and being fed incredible food sound so nice. wait, that's exactly what i've been doing for the couple months, minus the incredible food part.
and is it just me, or does your friend in the pic with the dog look like she's covered with plastic bags and has no arm?
Yes, I realised after I posted that i should have explained that the New Years Eve party was a "fan of" party. Cecile is dressed as a fan of chocolate, with tons of chocolate wrappers. The picture may not do the outfit justice but she was very cute. I went as a "fan of my green sweater".
Lauren, that is the coolest photo of your cat. That last one. I want to frame it. Maybe I already have. You don't know.
She is a gorgeous cat!
I am so jealous of all the home-made french food you have to have good french connections to get the good stuff...:))
salut Lauren
sympa les news, bon t'as vu, vous avez loupé quelque chose à Millau, presque 1m de neige, damien a fait du snowboard dans le jardin, et son oncle le tirait avec qon quad4X4, pendant que maman donnait la tetée à Lucie. PS j'adore ton chat (j'aime tous les chats gris), Damien n'en veut pas, dommage
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