A picture is worth a thousand words and after flying from Nottingham to Paris to Chicago to Paris to Montpellier to Paris to Nottingham, I can barely type a few hundred words let alone a thousand, so I’ll let the photos do the talking. Oh, I bet you all feel so lucky that I am just so snap happy.

Leaving Nottingham, a grey and rainy morning. Both of us stressing because Stephane doesn't think he locked the front door which he decided to mention while we're already in the taxi on our way. (He did, he always does, but he always has to double check).

Here's the view from our flight from Paris to Chicago. A girl could get used to this...

A bit of a race with the plane next to us. We totally won.

Stephane asking for a ginger ale from the flight attendant. (Yes, we were that annoying couple taking pictures of the mundane and boring and redundant apparently. I tried to keep the flash down to a minimum - but I'm sure we were obnoxious as hell)

Tommy the Tiger was of course with us the entire flight. He is a very easy travel companion.

And many inflight movies later, our 9 and some hour plane ride is nearly over. Stephane spots the Chicago skyline piercing through the clouds. Sweet Home....
Stay tuned for the first Windy City segment of our vacation. Are you salivating for more already?
Can't wait to see more... Looks like your trip was off to a gorgeous start!
Welcome back! Finally a a new post. I've been checking every day for my Lauren fix...had tics and spasms as withdrawal set in...
And the pics are great, too. Well done!
I know many couples have a mascot. Does Tommy the Tiger have a backstory?
Wait, Neil - Couples have mascots? That is so lame. No, Tommy just came with us to Chicago. We left him there. Here's his site http://www.lentontiger.blogspot.com/
Best regards from NY!
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