Wednesday, July 06, 2005


After three weeks in a row of losing the Johnson Arms Tuesday night quiz by ONE POINT we have finally won! There was much gloating (mainly by Stephane - who is more of a sore winner than a sore loser) and huge smiles (by me) and humble grunts by our English friends who are apparently genetically incapable of gloating. The pressure is on to defend out title next week.

To give you an idea of how difficult this quiz is, here is the dingbat that was one of the questions we had to answer:


See if you can figure out what popular phrase of famous person that could represent.

We did however only win by 1/2 point. Stephane and I ran into our new original style skin head (the peaceful non natzi type) friend (who stephane is convinced is in love with me) that informed us that our 25 1/2 points only narrowly beat his 25. We'll all be reading up on our encyclopedias before next Tuesday to ensure our team, Le Crepe's, position as champions.

Lauren Poulin

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I have to say I'm a little dissapointed that no one got the dingbat. I'll give you all (four of you) a few more days and than I shall reveal your ignorance.