Use Johnson's Baby oil to remove make-up. This works particularly well for women like me that are too lazy to wash our face before going to bed (but don't worry Mom, I do remember to put in my mouth guard - yeah that's right. I wear a mouth guard. Have you seen my smile? Trust me, Its worth protecting) and the next morning wake up with "raccoon eyes". A quick dab with a cotton swab soaked in baby oil and you look fresh faced, shiny and a little less like Alice Cooper.
thanks for the tip!
I knew that great smile came at a price.
actually the mouth guard is simply to protect my smile from nocturnal thumb sucking... there you go, my seceret is out.
I hate when I drop the tube of lipstick thats sticking out of the pocket of my overalls into the hood of my car when I'm checking my oil levels. Although I'm no mechanic, CheapS., I'm sure that Johnson's Baby Oil will not harm your car's parts. Good luck!
Vaseline works too!
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