Monday, August 01, 2005

Rubble Rouser

Goddess'scomment to my love confession to "Joey" from Full House (she had a thing for R2D2) made me think about odd crushes. I'd like to find out if I am alone in having crushes on "non-humans".

Here are my childhood (ok lets admit it, well up into pre-teen) crushes:

Barney Rubble. How I longed to be his Betty

Fozzie from the Muppets. Everyone loves a comedien.

Kermit the Frog (this was only after I got over Fozzie)

Robin Hood the Disney version (who for those who don't remember was a fox, and far sexier than Kevin Costners version ever was)

Anyone else out there? Odd cartoon/muppet/robot crushes? Don't leave me hanging after such a vulnerable post. I need to feel the love and support people. Need to feel the love.


Anonymous said...

Lion-O from Thundercats.

That's all I'm saying.

Danielle said...

I hear ya on Fozzie and Kermit. But Gobo and Wembley from Fraggle Rock were pretty cute too. I mean, who else besides a fraggle could pull of no pants, and a hat with a feather?

Anonymous said...

I fancied Panthor from the Thundercats. Serious crush. I had all the figurines and everything (well, my brother did) and...I won't go any further, but he did date my Barbie doll for a while. If only things were that simple now...

Anonymous said...

I too was a big fan of Lion-O. And the Beeper guy (the scientist's assistant) from the Muppets. He was so cute with his little "meep, meeps". Of course most all the Carebears. How could you not love them... And my current cartoon crush is Bones. You should read the comic series. It's excellent. But Bones... he's so dreamy, and even nails a human!

Anonymous said...

Cheetra....hmmmmmmmm. Many a schoolboy had the hots for that lovely lady. Perhaps Wilykit would have been nearer my age at the time, but i like a mature woman.

Top blog

Lauren said...

To be honest with you Andy, it wasn't just school boys who had a thing for Cheetra...