The perfect outfit exists only in my mind. For the past few months I have had a certain outfit in my head, it is the outfit I want to wear to a Christmas party. (I'm accepting invitations for said party btw). Full black skirt that falls just above the knee, which I'm sure will be easy enough to find, especially now that this whole gypsy skirt fad is finally waning (thank god as it made me look like a little girl dressing up in her mother's clothes from the 70's). The top however is proving to be much more difficult to find. I want a bright Kelly green cardigan sweater with capped short sleeves. I'm imagining a grown up, more girly 50's-ish version of those sweaters we wore in the early 80's as young children (often on school picture day). They were wool and itchy and had little plastic buttons in the shapes of apples and cats sewn on. Can you picture it? More importantly, can you help me find it?
My shopping sprees in Nottingham have found me empty handed, ok, well not entirely empty handed, but I certainly did not get any closer to my green sweater. Nottingham has a wide range of clothing shops, so it's not a location issue. And there are green sweaters on the mannequins in the shop windows bordering the market square, but none of them are MY green sweater. They are dull green, "autumnal" in colour, long sleeved and they certainly do not have little plastic buttons of pineapples and dogs sewn into them.
I think i'll have to venture into the vintage shops, which I'm scared to do on my own as I always end up walking out with musty smelling clothes that look fabulous hanging in my closet; but make me look like a bloated June Cleaver after a four day bender - it's not pretty. I need a second opinion when buying second hand - because if someone else didn't want it, you have to think twice about why it's a suitable purchase for you.
So, back to the green sweater - I ask you all to be on the lookout for me. If said sweater is found, put it on hold, take a picture, send the photo to me and we'll take it from there. You are my scavengers, I am shopping alone here people, and I am calling to you for help.
Remember, we are on the look out for: bright green button down sweater (perferably cashmere) with short puffy sleeves. Odd childish buttons are NOT necessary, as I can sew those on myself, or perhaps even use some funky brooches.
Bonjour sweet Lauren! May sound like a rather crappy suggestion but have you tried Bennetton (sp?) - anyway, as in United Colors of...They always seem to have very bright, non-hazy kinds of colours in their window displays, their designers also seem to be fond of the whole fine-knit wool, button-down look. Worth a try, n'est-ce pas? It's that kind of shop which is full of nasty items but once in a while, you'll find a gem and I think they may well be hoarding yours. Sounds like the perfect outfit and you'll look fab. I picture some big beads with it, a bit like those ones you bought on Mouffetard the time when we were trying to get manicures, leg waxes, or whatever kind of pampering we could negotiate, to no avail...
Not exactly what you are searching for, but I only had a few minutes to poke around. Here are some similar results...
excellent work ladies! We're getting closer!
You might have to come to Paris...benneton sounds good though. Cool blog BTW
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